3 mangas sauvés de Voldemort 拡散どうぞ

Publié le par daisuki

3 mangas sauvés de Voldemort 拡散どうぞ
3 mangas sauvés de Voldemort 拡散どうぞ
3 mangas sauvés de Voldemort 拡散どうぞ

Voici trois mangas qui ont été sauvés sur le stand d'Angoulême.

On peut lire dans l'article de Charente Libre (31 janvier 2014) que ce stand montrait des croix gammées et des saluts nazis. En effet, on le voit dans la deuxième image. Mais on voit bien que ce n'est clairement pas le but d'en faire l'apologie. Au contraire !

Je vous laisse seuls juges, regardez ces trois planches, y voyez-vous une apologie nazie ?

廃棄処分を免れた、奇跡の漫画三枚です。 ネットのシャロントリーブル紙(1月 31)に「日本ブースにナチスの鉤十字と敬礼があった」と書いてあります。確かに二枚目にあります。けれどもそれはナチス賛美ではないことは、見れはすぐに分かります。逆の意味です!


3 mangas sauvés de Voldemort 拡散どうぞ
3 mangas sauvés de Voldemort 拡散どうぞ
3 mangas sauvés de Voldemort 拡散どうぞ
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Quelques vidéos sur le problème des femmes de réconfort<br /> http://daisukinipponfrance.over-blog.com/2014/03/quelques-videos.html<br /> <br /> En Corée, professeur à l'Université de Séoul qui a déclaré que les femmes de réconfort ont en effet versé des prostituées, et que l'annexion à l'ère du Japon n'était pas si terrible a été battu et a été contraint de s'incliner devant les anciennes femmes de réconfort.<br /> 韓国で、ソウル大学の教授は、従軍慰安婦はお金を貰った売春で、日本併合時代はそんなにひどくなかった発言の為にたたかれて、慰安婦経験者に謝る事を強制されました。<br /> <br /> ビデオへのリンク張っておきます。
私がアップしていた、 「旭日旗はハーケンクロイツとは違う」 という趣旨の動画が、フランスを含む特定の国においてYouTubeからブロックされました。<br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfcoRZGCeFA<br /> 漫画祭で没収された展示物もそうでしたが、フランスの法律では説明のためにハーケンクロイツを引用することすら許されないのですか? これでは冤罪を被せられても、反論することすら難しくなりますね。<br /> <br /> 以下がツベから来た通知文です。<br /> __________<br /> <br /> 次のアカウントについて: Saburo Kyokujitsu<br /> <br /> あなたの動画について法的な申し立てを受けています。 審査の結果、動画: There Is Nothing Wrong With Using the Rising Sun Flag 旭日旗に問題なし は次の国の YouTube サイトでブロックされています。<br /> <br /> New Caledonia, French Southern Territories, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Germany, Austria, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Poland, Mayotte, Switzerland, French Guiana, Wallis and Futuna, Reunion, Israel, French Polynesia<br /> <br /> YouTube は、必要に応じて各地域の法律に従ってコンテンツをブロックすることがあります。法的な申し立てについては、ヘルプセンターの記事をご覧ください(//support.google.com/youtube/bin/answer.py?answer=3001497&amp;hl=ja)。<br /> <br /> 今後ともよろしくお願い申し上げます。<br /> YouTube チーム
Le drapeau japonais menace-t- il tous les pays asiatiques?<br /> http://daisukinipponfrance.over-blog.com/2014/02/le-drapeau-japonais-menace-t-il-tous-les-pays-asiatiques.html<br /> <br /> 動画を追加しておきました。
J'ai vu votre video. ça me paraît bien. Le message est clair. Merci pour votre travail. Même si les Coréens ne devraient pas le faire, c'est leur but que les autres pays comparent les Coréens aux victimes des Nazis. Comme on ne connaît pas assez l'histoire Corée- Japon, on peut croire leur message. あなたのビデオみました。良いと思います。メッセージが明確です。お仕事ありがとう。韓国人は、偽の宣伝をしてはいけないとしても、他の国々が、韓国人をナチスの被害者と比較するのが、彼らの目的でしょう。わたしたちは、韓国と日本の間の歴史を知らないから、彼らのメッセージを信じるわけです。
動画の出だしと相関図にあるハーケンクロイツのマークを、それぞれ写真と文字に差し替えました。大戦中のドイツ軍戦闘機にあるハーケンクロイツの写真はそのままです。これを省いたら説明できませんので。<br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeVwv_ERpSA<br /> <br /> ナチスに蹂躙された国々が、今現在の法律でもそこまでナーバスになるほどであるなら、なおさら韓国人は軽々しく「旭日旗はハーケンクロイツと同じだ」などと事実関係を無視したデタラメを吹聴するべきではないと思いますね。ヨーロッパの被害国の人たちに失礼でしょう。
C'est étonnant. J'imagine que oui. il faut arriver à faire une video sans ce drapeau ou mettre un texte à la place de cette image, genre &quot;drapeau nazi&quot; par exemple. 驚きました。けれどそういうことなのでしょう。ならば旗の映像を全く使わない、あるいは旗の映像の代用に文字「ナチスの旗」を使うという手もあります。
shibaji -- The Surrogate Woman --<br /> <br /> The shibaji is one of the occupations which existed to the Korea's Joseon Dynasty era in the Korean Peninsula, <br /> which gain a salary by carrying out the master and sexual intercourse of a distinguished family in which an inheritor is not exist, <br /> and giving birth to an inheritor's boy. in many cases.she was abused by the jealous wife.<br /> When a woman is born, the child is taken over and it becomes the same shibaj as a mother,.<br /> When a boy is born,It is the regulations of shibaji to leave the house immediately,<br /> not seeing a child face.<br /> There were many problems at the human-rights view and they were forbidden by the Korean governor-general's office after annexation of Korea. <br /> <br /> It comes out truly -- South Korea of &quot;opportunism&quot; -- as it were . <br /> It begins to develop.<br /> a woman &quot;prostitute&quot; &quot;on business&quot; who obtained a high salary <br /> to intense, it being what depends <br /> on compulsion of a Japanese army.<br /> an apology demand, and compensation demand,<br /> at the times which passed the half century after the war.<br /> <br /> applying a hand to a breast, if a &quot;history problem&quot; is asserted obstinately <br /> -- own country -- from ancient times -- or -- &quot;a human-rights view&quot; --<br /> it should introspect -- is South Korea and the Korean Peninsula.<br /> <br /> The more it asks whether the qualification for asserting &quot;the moral predominancy&quot;<br /> to Japan is in South Korea,<br /> the more predominancy makes clear what &quot;nothing is&quot;, so that it gets to know. <br /> <br /> The foolish national policy which South Korea started for erasion of a historical fact or <br /> rewriting is &quot;property confiscation&quot; of wholly as opposed to a person and its posterity as the<br /> &quot;pro-Japanese group&quot; of the annexation age,and It is a problem of what is called &quot;service-in-the-war&quot; comfort women <br /> who began to claim that it is what depends a &quot;prostitute&quot; in wartime on commandeering of &quot;a Japanese army.&quot;<br /> <br /> The &quot;human-rights view&quot; in which that it is common also in these does not regard people as &quot;people&quot; even if it is nationals <br /> -- and the feeble way of thinking <br /> <br /> As for much the abuse and devastation which are looked at by &quot;testimony&quot; of a &quot;sex slave&quot;,<br /> it is clear that the philosophy peculiar to North Koreans as it is. <br /> <br /> What have North Koreans done by the Korean War to the women of a foreign country? <br /> Moreover, what has the South Korean army done by the Vietnam War? <br /> <br /> If an example is taken in those facts, <br /> &quot;testimony&quot; of the &quot;sex slave&quot; who tries the imputation to a Japanese army testifies for North Koreans' act as it is -- it is equal.<br /> <br /> In psychology term, <br /> <br /> When you do admit your own bad side,<br /> Action of the mind that would have stuck with it to other people.<br /> <br /> It is said &quot;projection&quot;
3-8 Korean comfort woman issue~Professional Camp Follower during WW2~ (Anglais)<br /> 3-8 confort coréenne femme issue~Professional Camp Follower au cours de la WW2~<br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b7ST_DxzIY<br /> <br /> Références :<br /> Machiko Morikawa : Moon Ok-ju, j'ai été une femme de confort du soldat japonais en Birmanie Theater<br /> Masao Okazaki : L'histoire de la ville de prostituée Susaki
Position sociale de la femme 3-6 confort coréenne femme issue~Korean du Li-regimed Corée Era~<br /> 3-6 Korean comfort woman issue~Korean woman's social position of Li-regimed Korea Era~<br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YR0b53uz18&amp;list=PLBUn1WM9bPYU-9MaDWaM0dXP6YwViwjo7&amp;feature=share&amp;index=5
Everyone know the true history of Korea not fancy as korean text book?<br /> Korea was the colony or vassal state for over 2100 years.<br /> Especially become a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty in 1637, <br /> the Joseon Dynasty is a puppet that did not give human rights to the people.<br /> Culture and civilization are deprived of, in a poor environment, People life worth less than garbage,<br /> to leave a state that does not seem to be about human beings.<br /> <br /> <br /> This miserable situation  lasted more than two hundred years until Japan's annexation of the Korean Peninsula done.<br /> Japan won the Sino-Japanese War in 1897, <br /> then korea was released from the tributary of Qing Dynasty by the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
About Mass Desecrations of The Diary of Anne Frank in Japanese Libraries<br /> <br /> In japan there many koreans have been lived after korean Peninsula war.<br /> they came from korean Peninsula Illegally. <br /> and recent koreans also travels easily.<br /> <br /> They have 2 names ,korean name and japanese name,<br /> and they exchange swiftly.<br /> <br /> they say we should say I am Japanese when bad act had done.<br /> <br /> you can this fact can be seen at YOUTUBE.<br /> <br /> As you can not distinct genuine japanese and korean japanese <br /> we also not distinct genuine japanese and korean japanese only by face color.<br /> <br /> Japanese ultra right wing members are almost 100 percent korean japanese,<br /> the aim is extinguish the patriotism, fear for outsiders and distort diplomacy.<br /> using scatter loud voice attack.<br /> this was their traditionals .<br /> <br /> This fact was reveals by the police and reported,<br /> then koreans began hate speech demonstration in many places.<br /> they take 2 parts who speak hate speach to own race and who hate speach victims.<br /> like commercial wrestling.<br /> <br /> So this time action was 100 percent koreans.<br /> <br /> This aim is,,,<br /> <br /> If you are smart men . you can understand easily.