On a besoin de preuves. 慰安婦問題の証拠を求めてます。

Publié le par daisuki



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Bonjour,<br /> <br /> Je suis ravie pour trouver votre blog.<br /> <br /> Il y a un document qui a fait mention des coréennes de réconfort par l'armées américaines. <br /> (Je l'ai trouvé sur le blog de Texas Daddy )<br /> <br /> http://texas-daddy.com/comfortwomen.htm<br /> <br /> Merci bcp d'avance pour votre attention!<br /> <br /> ブログ発信ありがとうございます。<br /> 概出でしたらすみません。<br /> アメリカ連合軍が記した公文書(マッカーサー文書)が、<br /> テキサス親父さんのHPに掲載されています。<br /> ご参考になれば幸いです。
Bonjour daisukiさん<br /> ご存知かも知れませんが、慰安婦所の従業員である、朝鮮人の書いた日記です。<br /> これは毎日新聞で掲載されました。<br /> 以下関連する参照先です。<br /> 毎日新聞記事(ウエブ魚拓)<br /> http://megalodon.jp/2013-0808-0250-29/mainichi.jp/select/news/20130807k0000m040125000c.html<br /> 日記内容詳細(ブログ)<br /> http://toriton.blog2.fc2.com/blog-entry-2589.html<br /> 動画(youtube)<br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RbQDC0W4K4
ninninhachizo san, Merci pour vos liens. je compte traduire ce journal et en faire un article sur le blog.
Hello <br /> <br /> Here are some links <br /> http://www.awm.gov.au/exhibitions/alliesinadversity/prisoners/women.asp <br /> <br /> http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/10/07/national/documents-detail-how-imperial-military-forced-dutch-females-to-be-comfort-women/#.Uu0k97Q6LTo <br /> <br /> Plus, you can find these data online easily: (unless you think these survey and studies were just fakes and lies and that the Japanese government and the historians and people who conducted them are lying about doing them)<br /> <br /> -In 1992 and 1993, the Japanese government discovered 117 documents from the Defense Agency, 54 documents from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were discovered with 19 documents from the National Archives, the United States. <br /> It led to this statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato: &quot;I will summarize the main points here. That is, the inquiry has revealed that the Government had been involved in the establishment of comfort stations, the control of those who recruited comfort women, the construction and reinforcement of comfort facilities, the management and surveillance of comfort stations, the hygiene maintenance in comfort stations and among comfort women, and the issuance of identification as well as other documents to those who were related to comfort stations.&quot; <br /> <br /> -On April 17, 2007 Yoshiaki Yoshimi and Hirofumi Hayashi announced the discovery, in the archives of the Tokyo Trials, of seven official documents suggesting that Imperial military forces, such as the Tokkeitai (Naval military police), forced women whose fathers attacked the Kenpeitai (Army military police), to work in front line brothels in China, Indochina and Indonesia. These documents were initially made public at the war crimes trial. In one of these, a lieutenant is quoted as confessing to having organized a brothel and having used it himself. Another source refers to Tokkeitai members having arrested women on the streets, and after enforced medical examinations, putting them in brothels. <br /> <br /> -On 12 May 2007 journalist Taichiro Kajimura announced the discovery of 30 Dutch government documents submitted to the Tokyo tribunal as evidence of a forced mass prostitution incident in 1944 in Magelang.<br /> <br /> These are all well documented proofs, established by courts and studies, proven and verified. So unless you are asking for some old Japanese world war 2 soldier to come to you and confess in person that he has forced a girl in a brothel, what more do you need?<br /> <br /> Do these people want some Japanese official to come show them personally all these documents so you can see if they believe them to be true and put their seal of approval on it? <br /> <br /> Yes, the Japanese government OF THE TIME was involved in the brothels and comfort women... They admitted it and take responsibility for it! They even provide the testimonies and proof. They have apologized, good! So what seems to be the problem? They want people to stop talking about it? Then the question should be why is it that some elected or officially appointed Japanese people say it was necessary, or that it's a lie. And out of nowhere!<br /> And why are some people saying it's the Korean people who always put it back in the spotlight when it was actually in the press because of what a Japanese politician person said? <br /> <br /> And why is it felt as bad? When M.Abe denies any government coercion in the recruitment of comfort women during World War II, it's as if the French president would deny the fact that the government of Vichy had anything to do with the deportation of jewish people in France... How would you feel about that?<br /> <br /> There you go, just helping spread the truth ;)
Well, for some people the last part about the deportation might be a bit strong as a point to compare with, but you get the idea.
http://makizushi33.ninja-web.net/<br /> 従軍慰安婦の真実 です
daisukiさん<br /> <br /> なでしこアクションで公開されているのでご存じかもしれませんが、<br /> 慰安婦の事実を知る上で、とても良い資料です。<br /> <br /> Femmes de réconfort: Avez-vous entendu leur cri? <br /> Voir la vidéo ci-dessous. <br /> <br /> English Version <br /> <br /> Comfort Women : Do you hear their cry? <br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jlfAqR8uBc<br /> <br /> Japonaise Version <br /> <br /> 従軍慰安婦 ~彼女たちの叫びが聞こえますか<br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ2d1bqycmw